Little River Painting are family owned and operated in Richmond, VA specializing in both commercial and residential interior painting and exterior painting. Servicing the Richmond (West End, Innsbrook Areas), Goochland, Chesterfield County and Hanover County for over 10 years.
Keeping your home’s exterior painted surfaces in good repair is an excellent way to prevent more costly repairs in the future. We will evaluate your specific exterior painting requirements and answer any questions you may have. For quality painting of your home, prep work is very important. Little River will recommend a power wash, followed by removing the old peeling and flaking paint chips so the new paint has a strong surface to adhere to. If you love the current color of your home, we can custom match the existing paint.
Exterior Painting Services Include:
We will assess your exterior painting needs, including any repair work, and provide fair and accurate estimate of the cost and time it will take to complete your project. Little River will replace rotten siding and fix window frames. If you don't need a full exterior paint job, we can custom match your current color to do touch ups and repairs.
Paint brands we paint with are Benjamin Moore and Sherwin Williams.
Hey John,
Your guys did a great job sealing my new deck. It really looks great.
Kay and Lew B.
When I spoke with John Ribeiro of Little River Painting about the project of repainting the exterior of our house, he listed the details he would attend to and it was obvious he would take the care needed for job well done. His vision was to produce quality work. John took note of the repairs and prep work that would be necessary, and had knowledge of the products available to alleviate those challenges.
The contract stated all of our needs, the price was fair, and the work was completed on time and on budge.
The Little River Painting painters arrived early every morning and stayed focused on their job. They took great care with our home and landscaping. My husband and I are totally satisfied with their work and the finished project. We highly recommend John, who along with his crew has the highest integrity, dependability, and expertise.
Little River Painting are true professionals.
Rosie P. - Richmond, VA
Dear Joao and the rest of Little River Painting staff,
I am writing this letter to express my satisfaction with the services provide by all. The painting and repair of my front railing in my residence in Richmond was done extremely well and on timely basis. Your services there saved me considerable amount of money, as we were putting the house on the market and the initial feedback was that we were going to have to replace the entire front porch railing as many sections were rotten.
Your company was able to repair and repaint the railing without having to replace anything. The end product looks very good and we were able to sell our home the very first day on the market.
Additionally, I am very satisfied with the hardwood installation done on our new home in Charlotte, NC. I was happy you agreed to come from Richmond to Charlotte with your crew to provide me with that service. The floors look great.
As we have discussed, we would like to attain your services again for additional hardwood floor installation in our vacation property in North Myrtle Beach. I look forward to discussing the details with you.
Sincerely yours,
Revisson B. - Charlotte, NC
Contact Little River Painting today at 804-684-1778 to schedule free in-home consultation or browse our website for more information regarding Interior Painting.
Proudly serving Richmond Virginia, West End, Innsbrook, Goochland, Chesterfield County, Hanover County and surrounding areas.